Tuesday, 14 July 2015

14/07/15 - Setting up: Genre ideas

First project for the semester is to take a well known scene from a list of movies given to us and recreate the scene as a different genre.  Admittedly I haven't seen a lot of movies on said list, but have gone mainly with audio cues in order to produce the following ideas:

  • Pulp Fiction ==> Drama/Comedy.
    Recreate the scene as a person stubbing their toe on a table.
  • Psycho ==> Comedy.
    Someone playing the violin really badly while another person screams with how terrible it sounds.
  • The Shining ==> Family.
    A man throws open a door with a beaming smile and announces 'Here's Jonny!'
  • Say Anything ==> Horror.
    Change the woman's reaction to a fearful one as the guy gets closer and closer every time she looks at him and looks away.  Like a weeping angel, I suppose.
  • Monty Python ==> Horror/Action.
    Blow up something like a monster or creature.  Innards everywhere.  Eating a grenade or exploding into a swarm of eggs/bugs/larvae
  • Lord of the Rings ==> RomCom.
    A guy tries to go down on his partner only to discover that they are wearing an enchanted chastity belt that screams 'YOU SHALL NOT PASS'
  • Big ==> Romance/Tragedy.
    Two people on either side of a glass wall trying to touch one another.  Lights/color spring up under their fingers each time they meet against the glass, followed by piano notes.
  • Star Wars ==> Family/Comedy.
    A child looks up at a poster that says Santa Claus isn't real.  'No, its not true!' he yells, throwing a tantrum.  His dad comes up behind him and says Vader's line.
Since writing this list, our tutor has given us further things to consider, and the following are my thoughts on how scenario and attributes would play out for my two most likely scene choices.

LOTR ==> RomCom.
  • Scene - A man approaches a curtained bed with a very voluptuous silhouette behind it.  He rushes forward eagerly and pushes the curtains out of the way to find a bikini clad maiden waiting for him.  The camera suddenly zooms in on her crotch where an enchanted chastity belt screams 'YOU SHALL NOT PASS'
  • Character - A man on the hunt for a maiden to love.  He stumbles upon this establishment and finds the chastity belt's owner.  Alternatively he could be a knight or prince due to the enchanted nature of her underwear.
  • Prop - The chastity belt.  It probably looks a bit like Gandalf.
  • Visual - Rather comedic/cartoony in nature.  Lots of cartoon hearts, squash and stretch, typical eye bulging and heart beating out of chest like what you see in early cartoons.  Eagerness leading to disappointment and dismay.
  • Color - Lots of reds, pinks and gold.  Warm, romantic colors.  Contrast this with the cold steel/metal of the chastity belt itself.
  • Background - Matte paint the bed, curtains and woman.  The chastity belt and main character are the only 3D objects.
  • Establishing Shot - Wide shot of the curtain covered bed.  Character steps into shot from the bottom/bottom right and approaches the curtains.  The bed itself might possibly be on a raised dais.
  • Audio - Soft, swelling music or an epic battle score.  Music that implies action/anticipation or softness/intimacy or that skeevy kind of 'we're going to do the sex' music until the chastity belt gets in the way.  No dialogue other than the chastity belt's line.
Big ==> Romance/Tragedy.

  • Scene - A man approaches an icy mirror in a cold and empty room.  He sees his lover frozen/asleep in the ice and runs to them, pressing his hands to the cold surface with a hurt and longong expression.  When his fingers meet the ice/mirror, a soft chime plays and his fingerprints leave softly glowing marks as they shimmer with the colors of an aurora.  He moves his hands desperately over the mirror, trying to find any possible way to open it up and reach his lover.
  • Character - A young man trying to reach his beloved.  He is determined and clearly upset with the turn of events.
  • Prop - A large ice crystal/mirror.  Big and ornate, flat on one side but shaped like an iceberg/crystal on the other.
  • Visual - More expressive, could lend itself to being stylized or realistic depending on the direction I want to take it in.  If it were 2D I feel it could benefit from being stylized, but as a 3D production, simplicity might be a better option.  Also very sad and serious.  Stronger proportions and expressive eyes.
  • Color - Lots of blue and green/cold colors.  Muted palette/blue filter to imply everything is dull and freezing.  Warm but muted colors for the character to suggest symbolism/fire to combat the ice.  Really light/soft colors for the aurora-like glow of the fingerprints on ice.
  • Background - Icy blue, with lines to suggest a room and texture to suggest the area's frozen nature.  The secondary character can be painted into the prop via texture map.  Skydome or a cylindrical map can also be considered.
  • Establishing Shot - Similar to the last one.  The character steps into frame from the bottom of the screen and walks forward as the camera pans up to reveal a long corridor with the frost mirror at the end.
  • Audio - No music.  The only sounds should be footsteps, chilled breath and the soft keyboard tones that play when he touches the ice.