Wednesday, 24 February 2016

CINEMATIC :: 25/02/16 - Story ideas

Teams were sorted out today and I'm really pleased with the people I've been assigned to!  Tea, Jo, Hamish and Oscar all have similar a similar aesthetic and sense of style, which makes me feel like we'll all work very well in a team together.

We were asked to come up with five stories, one of which we would develop into a script to be submitted on Monday.  The following are the general ideas that I've had:

  • MAGIC MIRROR - The protagonist (liveaction) finds an ornate mirror (3D object) while exploring a quiet arcade/alley/block of shops.  Upon approaching it and looking closely at it, they discover their reflection is something/someone completely different (animated character - I proposed to make it the protagonist's fursona in order to imply the ills and stereotypes associated with the furry community).  After mimicking each other's movements for a few moments, the protagonist places their hand on the mirror's surface and is immediately grabbed by the animated character on the other side.  The mirror swells and bulges as the animated character struggles to pull the live action character through it, though the protagonist manages to break away from the animated character's grasp.  Stumbling backwards, they stare at the mirror in shock and horror before turning and running away.
  • MAGICAL GIRL - The protagonist (liveaction) undergoes a transformation from a mundane and ordinary human to a magical superhero with the aid of a compact/wand/orb (3D object). To make it work, it is thrown in the air and releases a visual effect which wraps around the hero Sailor Moon-style and completes their transformation with an elaborate costume change.  Once her transformation is complete, she twirls on the spot and strikes a pose, pointing directly at an enormous monster (animated character) that is destroying/devouring the surroundings, telling it that it is not welcome here and that she is here to vanquish it.  She then proceeds to do so in the most dramatic way possible.
  • VIDEO GAME - A less developed idea that features the protagonist (live action) playing a video game and doing very terribly at it.  After dying a million times, the poor character in the game (animated) gets so frustrated and fed up that they break the game's programming and throw something from the nearby environment (3D object) out of the TV where it hits the protagonist in the head.  This is followed by the animated character snarling curses and proceeding to finish the level themselves while the protagonist stares dumbfounded and rubbing their face.
  • FAIRYTALE FABLE - Another less developed idea that features a hunter in the forest (live action) who shoots an arrow (3D object) at a mysterious and mythical bird with feathers made of rose blooms (animated character).  The creature curses him as it dies, and he transforms into a hideous monster.
  • PON PON PON - No definite idea here, but I considered doing something inspired by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's music videos
  • SPIRIT JOURNEY - A human (live action) makes their way up an enormous mountain, all the way to the highest peak.  They take a plain but oddly shaped bird whistle/ocarina (3D object) from their pocket and blow a tune which summons an enormous swirling beast/yokai from the clouds.  Possession of the whistle implies that the human has control over the massive, awe inspiring creature, as it bows its head and allows them to climb upon its back before dancing and swirling away into the clouds.  After seeing nothing but sky for several moments, the clouds part revealing a (mattepainted?) different landscape or spiritual city.  The human gasps and stares in awe, whispering that they never believed such a place to exist and that they had finally arrived at the world of their dreams before the listening creature flicks them off its back with a ripple of its spine.  The human screams as they fall to earth, cut short by the monster swooping down to devour them.

In terms of which story I want to develop further, the first and last in that list are the most detailed ones that I have.  Both stories appeal to me very much, so it is possible I might just write scripts for the two of them and submit whichever one sounds better and more polished by the end.

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