Tuesday, 31 May 2016

CINEMATIC :: 01/06/16 - Role changes

I spent the later half of last week sick, so regrettably I wasn't able to get a lot done.  Our group has been making a lot of good progress with how we want things to look and the kind of animation that we're striving for, but the tutors really want us to crack down on animation so that we have the animation there, even if it needs a lot of refining.  It'll be solid and set and out of the way, and the sooner we can get that done, the better

But because of this, I've been moved from mattepainting duty to animation, where I'm currently working on in-betweens for Shot 4 and shot 7!  There isn't a lot for me to do that Tea hasn't already captured beautifully, but the sooner I get these done, the sooner I can work on whatever else she needs me to add to and the sooner we can have these roughs finished!

So far this is all I have to show.  I'm noticing now that my timing might be a little off - it not as fluid as I'd like, but i'll see what the team thinks tomorrow.

As for my mattepainting, this is where I had to leave off working on shot 4:

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