Wednesday, 7 September 2016

INTERACTIVE :: 08/09/16 - More asset concepts

After looking at my mushrooms, I realized that they're all pretty simple in design and look a lot like the kind of thing one would find in the natural world.

When we were brainstorming ideas for the game, Patrick suggested that the Unseelie had opened portals up into the mortal world, and vegetation from the fey world was spilling out of it.  I kindof want to run with this idea and make my mushroom save-point look more ethereal and alien, showing that it came from a different kind of environment.  I've drawn a few more concepts in order to explore this:

At the moment I really like the idea of the star shaped mushroom and the big puffball mushroom - They retain enough of the original mushroom shape and feel, but have animations that could set them apart from a regular human world mushroom.  I guess the same features, movement and light, could be applied to all the mushrooms I've drawn to mark them as fey mushrooms though.  Adding an unusual color palette might help set them apart as well.

I particularly like the idea of the main character respawning out of the top of the x in the puffball mushroom though, and bouncing off the mushroom itself before carrying on with the game.

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