Sunday, 11 October 2015

12/10/15 - Rigging complete!

The past week has been dedicating to finishing my rigging and today I was finally successful!  The process of constraining and orienting things was really easy after having to do it for every single joint, just time consuming.  What really frustrated me the most over this whole thing was rigging up my hand over the weekend and then forgetting to bring it to school on my flash drive today.  On the bright side, I got both hands and my hair rigged up a lot more neatly wit less time spent trying to figure things out.

Here is the rig in its entirety:

Most of it is joined with the basic orient constraints that we learned about the other week,

Character's legs and hair both have IK controls on them which will make it easier to animate the character walking and give him flexible hair movement.

His hands are perhaps the most complex part of the rig and took the longest time to set up - After orienting each joint in the fingers, I used two driven keys to adjust the curl for each finger, as well as a control for curling all of the fingers at the same time.

As evident in the last image though, I really need to start painting my skin weights and working on my blend shapes and will probably spend this week doing both of those.  But in the meantime, my outliner is feeling very organized.

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